Authentic Living
“I’ll have what she’s having…”
Spend 5 minutes with Dale and you’ll want what she has.
Dale understands the struggles women face because she has been there herself. Refreshingly real, her talks connect to women’s hearts in their many roles as daughters, friends, employees, wives and mothers, as they strive to be the women they think they should be, rather than accepting who they really are. Through rich, humor-filled messages, Dale will help your women understand themselves, give them permission to admit their weaknesses, and guide them toward strength, freedom and change using the power of authenticity.
Her candid nature and clear communication style drew us all in. Dale helped us consider our own stories and how we seek to control people and circumstances when things don’t go our way. My recommendation for next year? Anything with Dale Skram.”
Authentic Living topics include but not limited to:
- The Invisible Woman: Does Anyone See Me?
- Real Friendship
- Creating an Emotionally Safe Space
Dale has been a training specialist and speaker since 2007. She has delivered over 100 presentations as both a retreat and event speaker and teacher. She has been a featured speaker in a curriculum video and webinar as well as an author for an international nonprofit organization focused on the needs of young mothers. Dale’s passion for women is lived out daily as she raises her four daughters ages 10-17. Dale is currently pursuing certification as a life coach as another tool to lead her audiences toward authentic living.