Jill S. Tietjen, PE, is an author, national speaker, and an electrical engineer. Tietjen is one of the top historians in the country on scientific and technical women. She has been inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame. In 2012, she received the Daughters of the American Revolution History Award Medal for her bestselling book, Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America.
A dynamic and energetic speaker, Tietjen has engendered feedback including: “You had them eating out of your hands tonight! I don’t know how you do it, but you always manage to completely hold an audience. It’s quite a talent.” “I find it very inspiring, motivating and empowering with your message of pursuing your dreams with persistence and passion!”
Audiences learn about the amazing women on whose shoulders we stand and derive lessons from our foremothers in leadership and personal success that each person can immediately apply. They will discover how to maximize their talents in pursuing their dreams and careers.
To learn more about Jill’s availability,
please contact karen@dsbeventsandtalent.com or (303) 478-6652