Corporate Sustainability, Personal B.E.S.T. (Beliefs, Engagement, Sustainability & Time), Military Transition & Empowering Women
I was living a life filled with incredible challenges which I leveraged into an amazing Story of Success. You see, everybody has a story. Some folks tell me, my story is a better story to tell than their own. I disagree.
Most people broadcast their story to themselves and the world as a story of struggle and strive. I spent more than 20 years of my adult life studying the great minds and authors of success. I thought was a good student, I experienced success in the military, and I experience corporate success. But, I found out I was a great student when I figured out the secret guaranteed to bring success to all who practice according to the rules.
I have a coach, she helps me sustain my high level of success. The problem is that one on one coaching is expensive! For coaches, the greater the audience size, the more general, the expert must make their message. It was impossible to make a mass presentation that specifically addresses each audience members’ specific issue, circumstances, experiences and uniquely acquired skills; until now. I teach to empower others to name, achieve and sustain Success to their own specific definition in my B.E.S.T. System of Success.
The B.E.S.T. System of Success will soon have you feeling “10 foot tall and indestructible” in a sustainable fashion. I will show how to connect with your purpose and help you to properly recognize it.
Tony’s Story of Success Program is revolutionary way of helping clients reframe their story from one of tragedy and strive to a story of personal strength and resilience! This program will change your life!
Name, Achieve and Sustain your goals with Tony Drees B.E.S.T. Success System
Perfect program for:
Single Parents
College grads unemployed or under employed
Active duty transitions
People with students loans
Life Coaches
Substance abuse
Sales Consultants
Youth/ Education
Winning Women
To inquire about Tony’s availability for your next event, please email us today or call (303) 478-6652.
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